Daily+ —  International Biennial of NTUA Our Museum 

Daily+ Curatorial Team

Date:2018.11.21- 2019.01.20
Venue:Our Museum, Nine Single Rooms Art Space, Northern Campus

Comments on the Finalist

Institutional curator Chang Chun-Yi led novelist Luo Yi-Jun and gave him a minute tour through the uninhabited daily living community permeated with different entangled memories, and created the first artwork as an attempt to introduce into the vacant sites forgotten memories of life in various military dependents’ villages. Another purpose of this attempt is to employ a complex, open and inspirational structure to assist invited artists from Taiwan and abroad to comprehend the collective memories hidden in these spaces. This approach allows the undetected parts of the contemporary life – all the subtle fragments of artificial intelligence, virtual image, internet technology and other surfacing power relations – to intervene and merge with each other, forming mutual interpretations and conversions that create in their cross-referencing network a remarkable, semi-ruinous daily living community that has never been envisioned and is more thought-provoking than each individual artwork—a thinking, dreaming collective outer brain informed with corporeality.

 (Commentator: HUANG Hai-Ming)

Artwork Introduction

This exhibition features artists from France, the US, Austria, Luxemburg, Japan and Taiwan. The curator Chang Chun-Yi first invited novelist Luo Yi-Jun to visit Northern Campus and Nine Single Rooms Art Space and write the novel,Wall Climber, by drawing inspiration from the daily living scenes of old household dormitories and the contemporary artworks once exhibited in these spaces. The invited artists then took the novel and exhibition spaces as reference and proposed their projects in the manner of a solitaire card game. The approach allowed the artists to develop their works while being aware of the development of other works, rendering these projects mutually referential and gradually unfolding a multilayered site-text-artwork dialogue, a network of significance and invisible linkage that lay co-constructively the triple-toned foundation of the biennial. Moreover, the exhibition connected arts and cultural organizations in the Greater Taipei Area, and employed means like seminars, workshops and a writer’s residency to continuously introduce changes inDaily+and sustain the energies of artistic creation.

About the Artist

The Daily+ Curation Team includes the team of Yo-Chang Art Museum at National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) and professional teams from outside the university. Established in 1955, the NTUA is the oldest arts university in Taiwan. In 2004, the university’s old administration building was renovated and turned into Yo-Chang Art Museum, which is dedicated to art collection, research and education while focusing on curating special exhibitions and facilitating inter-museum exchanges. Since 2016, Principal Dr. Chen Chih-Cheng proposed the international, large-scale exhibition, the Greater Taipei Arts Festival, which connects arts and cultural organizations in the Greater Taipei Area and renovates vacant, old household dormitories into exhibition spaces that include both typical art museum space as well as alternative, experimental space.Daily+is the second edition of the Greater Taipei Arts Festival.

Production Team

President /Chief Organizer | Dr. Chih-Cheng CHEN

Curator | Chun-Yi CHANG, Charles CARCOPINO, Yi-Chun LO, Architectural group

Pierre-Laurent CASSIÈRE (France), Charles CARCOPINO(France)
Man-Nung CHOU (Taiwan), Claude CLOSKY (France)
Jeff DESOM (Luxembourg), Félicie d’ESTIENNE d’ORVES (France)
Dorian GAUDIN (USA), Youki HIRAKAWA (Japan)
Chih-Sheng LAI (Taiwan)
Emmanuelle LAINÉ & Benjamin VALENZA (France)
Ho-Jang LIU (Taiwan), Yi-Chin LO(Taiwan), Bernd OPPL (Austria)
Olivier PASQUET(France), Julien PRÉVIEUX (France)
Stéphane THIDET (France), Nicolas TOURTE (France)
Wan-Shuen TSAI (Taiwan), Island’s time group(Taiwan)

Work Team
Exhibition Coordinator | Jing-Zhong LOU
Art Director | Chunyi-Yi CHANG
Organiser of Forums/Social Media Manager | Yun-Ting CHANG
Marketing and Planning/ Public Relations | Chia-Ru LEE
Interpretive Planner and Editor | Chiamin LIU
Communication/ Translation | Chih-Chung LIN
Graphic Designer | Boyea LAI
Consultant on Internet Technical Resource | Sense Info
Exhibition Staff | Sz-Yu LU
Photographer | Wei-Tsan LIU
Audio Guide Narrator | Martida YEH
Exhibition Executive | Ya-Ting PO
Exhibition Guided Tour Arrangement | Yi-Chen YANG


策展人 張君懿







這樣的維度轉換、折疊重返,在參展作品與展場布署反覆出現。部分作品出現在空間轉折之處,或是在作品與作品的轉渡間,轉換身體感知與空間維度:Charles Carcopino的《個人音樂電腦》將樂音波形化爲空間沈浸體驗;Jeff Desom的《後窗》將希區考克經典電影畫面剪貼重構,呼應空間和聚落間的關係;平川祐樹《消失的樹林》則以上下兩端的影像裝置創造無形雕塑。一些作品以語氣上的轉換,開展自身敘述向度:劉和讓《大觀別墅―極短篇》以曾居於展場小房間的自身歷史出發,以裝置及投遞給現場鄰居的文字信件創造時空移轉;賴志盛《浮洲》則將舊房舍樓板深藏的管線延伸,構築為懸浮平台。部分作品則跟小說文本及展場空間緊密關聯:Dorian Gaudin的《露西之夢》借移動的床隱喻人物的流離遷移與身份認同;Pierre-Laurent Cassière的《片刻》以動力聲音裝置創造感官誤會,呈現時間凝滯感受;Stéphane Thidet的《無暗之界》,則用半泡在浮萍水池中旋轉的燈泡喻指時間迴圈。另外,張君懿將駱以軍《翻牆者》以三種閱讀和展呈形式呈現,在美術館內打造「閱讀膠囊」,將小說描述空間意象句子轉化、以文字碑形式分佈在展區巷弄,也打造含電子書及有聲書的微型展台「超日常衛星展站」,展期間在大台北地區藝文據點巡迴,讓小說文本延展又折返展覽場所。小說、作品、場所在互為文本的過程中交織,鋪展出相互指涉的意義網絡,「一如層層疊疊的複寫跡痕,積澱成如羊皮紙般的隱跡文本。」



